Song of the day :)
Today's song of the day is Cage the Elephant's "Ain't No Rest for the Wicked"
I was curious as to why the band members had chosen "Cage the Elephant" to be their band name so I looked it up. It's actually a pretty interesting story.
Why Cage the Elephant: "We were in Knoxville, Tennessee, hanging outside a club after a show-this is probably in 2006," remembers singer Matthew Shultz, "and we saw this guy with a shaved head and a long goatee yelling and screaming and talking to himself. I'm pretty sure he had some mental issues going on. He all of a sudden beelined towards us. Everyone jumped into our car and shut the doors. But I didn't make it into the car. I was stuck outside. I thought for sure the guy was gonna stab me or something, but then he came up to me and gave me a hug. The whole time he was saying, 'You have to cage the elephant, you have to cage the elephant.' Afterwards, I was like, 'We gotta name the band that.''

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